Change in the position of the Director

Picture of Trenčín 2026
Trenčín 2026

Lucia Dubačová, at her own request, has ended her tenure as the Director of the Creative Institute of Trenčín, n.o., (CIT) which oversees the project “European Capital of Culture Trenčín 2026”. During its August meeting, the CIT Board temporarily appointed Lenka Kuricová as the Director, who is also the Artistic Director of Trenčín 2026. In the coming months, the long-term structuring of the CIT Director position will be discussed.

“I very carefully considered the decision to leave the position of Director. I am connected with the project not only as a Director but also as a co-author. I am thrilled that the dream and vision are becoming a reality, and a project is being realized that will significantly advance my hometown. However, personal reasons have arisen in my life, because of which I will no longer be able to be in Trenčín as much as before. Yet, the project demands it,” Lucia Dubačová explains her reasons for leaving. “I feel that I can depart knowing I’m leaving behind a strong team,” she adds.

Lucia led our team even during the candidacy and actively participated in preparing the winning project. We value her work and contribution. We wish her much success in her future professional and personal life.

Mirka Gúčiková

PR Manager of Trenčín 2026