Milan Rastislav Štefánik Park

Vizualizácia rekonštrukcie Parku Milana Rastislava Štefánika.

With its attractive design and diverse spatial elements, the urban park will enrich the urban environment, improve the quality of life of the inhabitants and contribute to the expansion of the green infrastructure in the city.

Revitalisation of the Milan Rastislav Štefánik Park

The City Park was founded in 1860–1865. It was destroyed several times by floods, most notably in 1894. In the past, there was a small botanical and ornithological garden and regular concerts were held in this place. In the 1950s it was extended to include the area of former railway property. An original monument to M. R. Štefánik from 1938 by Jozef Pospíšil used to stand on its edge, yet it was destroyed in 1953 for ideological reasons. The bust of Štefánik, which was saved, is now part of a new monument made in 1998 by Juraj Oravec. There are several other statues and a music pavilion in the park. The greenery in the park was revitalised in 2018.

The first revitalisation of the park took place in 2018, and the next planned renovation of the park, which covers an area of almost 45,000 square metres and is a link between the city centre and the railway or bus station, is to change its function from a “transit” park to a cultural and social park. The park is to be reconstructed, with the addition of pavements, furniture and a water feature.


The project has been realised thanks to the title of European Capital of Culture Trenčín 2026.

Authors: Peter Stec, Ing. Acad. Arch. Ján Studený, Ing. Peter Pasečný, Ing. Lucia Paulíková—cooperation: Alena Tundérová






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