01. 10. - 30. 06. 2025

Runway English for culture and tourism

Trenčín is gradually becoming open to Europe and the world. That’s why we have prepared a free English course for Trenčín’s citizens who are involved in culture and tourism. Get ready for 2026.

Who is the course for?

The programme is designed for 50 people working in culture or tourism who want to improve their working English in a variety of topics (see below). These may include people working in both the cultural and catering sectors, managers and executives, as well as artists and entertainers. The course is primarily aimed at people from Trenčín and the Trenčín region.

What topics will the course address?

→ presentation of the organisation, the project and yourself
→ preparation of project documentation
→ improving conversational skills and expanding vocabulary
→ networking in an international environment
→ presentations and videoconference
→ case studies from the field of culture and project management

What does the course look like in practice?

The training will take place from October 2024 to June 2025 once a week at the premises of KC Aktivity, o.z., Kyjevská 3183, 911 08 Trenčín Juh. The language course is provided by Eloqua, s.r.o.

The course is free of charge, you will need to purchase study materials. If you have any questions, please contact our project manager Maria Klačková at maria.klackova@trencin2026.eu






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