St Anna’s Square

Vizualizácia rekonštrukcie Námestia sv. Anny.

The unused space in front of the county courthouse will be transformed into a comfortable zone for pedestrians and for relaxation.

Revitalisation of the park St Anna’s Square

The square is named after St Anna, to whom the late baroque chapel built in 1768 on the site of an older gothic church is dedicated. A small park with seven old lime trees is located behind the chapel near the Art Nouveau building of the Regional Court from 1913. In 2009, a memorial to the victims of communism by the sculptor Igor Mosný and the architect Pavel Balaščák was installed here. It consists of four freestanding pillars of justice, with a bronze relief plaque with anonymous faces of the victims of the past regime set between them.

The revitalisation of the park will help to change the character of the square and highlight its recreational potential despite its proximity to busy roads. Benches and other park and urban furniture will be added, the greenery will be enhanced and a small café will be built on the site of the defunct public toilets.


The project has been realised thanks to the title of European Capital of Culture Trenčín 2026.






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