Tuning the City


The Tuning the City project will transform Trenčín into a big stage where music, art and community involvement will come together. As part of a large experimental music game, a series of performances will take place directly in the urban space, involving the general public. Musical, sonic and performative art interventions will interact with the urban space from a new and possibly unexpected perspective.
The aim of the project is to create a musical happening that engages everyone, from local residents to professional artists. This project pays tribute to Slovak composers Ladislav Kupkovič and Milan Adamčiak and reinforces Trenčín as a city of musical experimentation and creative expression.
Author of the photograph: Marek Jančúch
LADENIE MESTA_061_zvukova topografia2_Copyright Marek Jančúch

Events & activities

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Lucia Šimášková

Lucia Šimášková
