13. 03. - 30. 05. 2025

Runway Culture Professionals

Runway Professionals from Culture

Gain the ideal mix of skills for the cultural sector. Experts from various parts of Europe will guide you through topics from strategic planning and audience engagement to service design and the development of soft skills.

About the Course

This is an educational course that allows you to improve your individual skills and abilities in the field of cultural management during five two-day blocks (Thursday – Friday). The course will help you better navigate topics such as strategic planning, branding, audience development, teamwork, and others. The course is one of the great opportunities brought by the European Capital of Culture Trenčín 2026.

We have successfully completed four courses so far. In Trenčín, we have hosted several foreign lecturers, such as British cultural industry expert David Parrish, the director of the Polish Impact Foundation Agata Etmanowicz, and Adam Pajgrt and Petr Peřinka from the Prague IPR institute.

Who is the course intended for?

The program is designed for people from the cultural sector (individuals) who want to acquire new skills and network with each other. Those from outside the Trenčín region can also apply.

A new feature is that people from the cultural sector in other EU countries can now apply, making the course a cultural bridge across borders, creating new partnerships, and enriching each other. The course’s value is further enhanced by its reach across Europe.

The course has been completed by people working in various fields of culture, and their participation was evaluated as follows:

“There are great colleagues here with whom we build relationships, compare, and find things we can share and collaborate on further.” (Tereza Trusinová)

What topics does the course cover?

→ Strategic planning
→ Audience engagement
→ Networking and service design
→ Leadership and soft skills

How does it look in practice?

The Runway | Cultural Professionals course takes place in person directly in Trenčín, and its capacity is 30 people.

The course is led by experts from abroad, so knowledge of the English language is required.

The program will consist of 5 two-day blocks:

Block / 13. 3. – 14. 3. 2025
2nd Block / 3. 4. – 4. 4. 2025
3rd Block / 24. 4. – 25. 4. 2025
4th Block / 15. 5. – 16. 5. 2025
5th Block / 29. 5. – 30. 5. 2025

The cost of a similar course would be approximately €2,000. The Runway | Cultural Professionals course is free, thanks to the Trenčín 2026 project, which covers 100% of the fee in the form of a scholarship.

How long does registration last, and how to register?

Registration for Runway | Cultural Professionals will be open on this page from February 3 to February 23, 2025. Register immediately using the short form.

Selected individuals will be contacted promptly for a short online interview. The final selection of participants for the new semester will be announced on March 3, 2024.

Take the opportunity and level up!






Belongs to the project

Basic information

Date and time







Events & activities

Selected volunteer activities