The first supported videoclip is out

Picture of Trenčín 2026
Trenčín 2026

The music video for the song Moonlight by Nina Kohout from her debut EP Pandemonium (Deadred Records 2022), was filmed at the Army House in Trenčín. It is the very first music video of the talented singer from Trenčín.

“Spaces like the Army House give a massive, pompous impression, they are representative spaces with beautiful architecture. Nina’s idea from the beginning was about spaces and the feeling of baroque, something grand, bigger than ourselves, where one gropes, searches and is surrounded by glitz,“ revealed the director of the music video Daniela Sláviková.

Apart from the music video, Nina has also had another success, performing at the prestigious ESNS showcase festival in Groningen, the Netherlands. Trenčín was also represented — the director of Trenčín 2026, Lucia Dubačová, was a speaker in a discussion about cultural cities and urban development.

Trenčín 2026 supported the music video Moonlight in the framework of the nationwide open call for support of video clips. Nina Kohout and Daniela Sláviková convinced the jury with their professional application and original concept.

Foto: Patrik Kubizna