Cultural-creative industry opportunities have the potential to bring young people back to Trenčín.

Picture of Trenčín 2026
Trenčín 2026

The Euroregion Trenčín – Zlín is connected by architecture, footwear industry, tourism and focus on design. Moreover, we share the same problem: young people leave our cities for university studies and do not come back. Also, we do not attract other young people to settle down in this area.

Solution to this problem are attractive job positions and business opportunities for young people as well as provision of wide offer of cultural events and free time activities.

We are inspired by the city of Zlín, which recognises the potential of cultural-creative industry and creatives centres to tackle the problem of losing young generation.

Firstly, Tomas Bata University in Zlín has its own creative centre as well as gallery where students bring to live their ideas and proof their feasibility. Secondly, there are tools on how to search for talents and/or provide specialised education from kindergarten on.

And finally, in Zlín was the first creative cluster in the Czech Republic established. It connects institutions, businesses, and individuals, who are involved in creative and follow-up industries and strive for their development. Trenčín captivated the attention of Zlín by the process of creating urban study Trenčín Si Ty.

What could be the result of the cooperation between our two cities? We will help each other by sharing experiences and learning from mistakes. However, the specific example of partnership could be exchange programs for university students. Exchanged experience and contacts would anchor young people and help them to decide to settle down in our Euroregion Trenčín-Zlín.