Fiesta bridge — a new place for relax by the river

Picture of Trenčín 2026
Trenčín 2026

Remember that feeling when you arrive in a city on a river in a foreign country. You’re naturally drawn to the water, the riverfront is lively and pleasant. You take a photo, sit down for coffee or dinner, soak up the atmosphere, gaze out at the water. We want to bring this feeling of living in a city on the river to Trenčín.

An important part of the project of the European Capital of Culture Trenčín 2026 is the old railway bridge, in the project called Fiesta bridge. Thanks to the planned reconstruction, it will become a new public space for cultural and community events and gatherings. The Fiesta Bridge will also be the venue for part of the European Capital of Culture programme.

We are already drawing attention to the old railway bridge with the sound installation Sound Atlas of the Bridge from the ooo Association, which will be available until 30 March. In the autumn, the reconstruction of the bridge will begin, with work lasting until 2026.

The reconstruction will be covered by EU funds, which are also tied to the title of European Capital of Culture 2026. Thanks to these funds, Trenčín will get a unique building and the people of Trenčín will get a new space for meeting, culture and sport in the pleasant environment of the river.

What will the reconstruction look like?

The bridge will be covered and will have a promenade character – we will be able to walk on its roof. There will be plenty of greenery. The Fiesta Bridge will offer opportunities for culture, relaxation and even sport. Five small structures will be built on the bridge structure to provide space for various operations. In addition to the bridge, the area around it will also be revitalised — that is, on both embankments.

How much will it cost?

The budget for the reconstruction of the old railway bridge amounts close to EUR 15 million with VAT and it will be covered by the EU funds with the 8% participation of the city. The city will receive these funds specifically for the reconstruction of the bridge, also thanks to the title of European Capital of Culture 2026.

Rozpočet na rekonštrukciu starého železničného mosta predstavuje 10,1 milióna EUR a pokryjú ho eurofondy s 8-percentnou spoluúčasťou mesta. Mesto získalo tieto prostriedky špeciálne na rekonštrukciu mosta, a to aj vďaka titulu Európske hlavné mesto kultúry 2026.

At its February meeting, Trenčín City Council members approved the intention to launch a public tender for the Fiesta Bridge project. Their decision thus confirmed the importance of this project as a unique opportunity to treat our city to an exceptional architecture that will add to its landmarks and which, above all, will create a new high-quality public space for the people of Trenčín and those who come to visit us. And this, thanks to the EU funds, at a fraction of the cost.