Greetings from Brussels: Trenčín in company of European cities.

Picture of Trenčín 2026
Trenčín 2026

The city of European officials, waffles, beer and chocolate, the city that gave its name to Brussels sprouts in English and French, was the venue of the first live meeting for the Board of the international Culture Next network. Why it is good for us and more from Brussels is brought to you by Terina Slezák Barčáková, International Relations Manager Trenčín 2026.

We learn from other cities

The Culture Next international network brings together organisations that have a connection to the European Capital of Culture. These are either former or future European Capitals of Culture (ECOC), candidate organisations or cities that have not been awarded the title but wish to continue their activities. The Board consists of representatives from Leeuwarden (Netherlands), Elefsina (Greece), Oulu (Finland), Aveiro (Portugal) and Trenčín. The Culture Next has been awarded a Creative Europe grant, which will enable development of the network’s activities in the coming years. For example, meetings of network members to share information and examples of good practice, thematic expert groups and conferences, grants for artists and an archive of bid books (plans for the European Capital of Culture project).

After many months of working together online the Culture Next Board finally met live in Brussels. We agreed on the direction and development for the next period. We will present it to the network members at the next meeting in Leeuwarden – the European Capital of Culture in 2018. Leeuwarden is a very successful example of an ECoC. Even 4 years after the title, the city has a very vivid cultural life.

Hlboká online live for the first time in Brussels

The Slovak Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs presents a discussion format called Hlboká online, through which it gradually introduces topics and people of Slovak foreign policy and diplomacy to Slovaks. For the first time, this discussion took place live in Brussels with Slovak citizens living in Brussels in the auditorium. Reporter Zuzana Kovačič Hanzelová questioned Ivan Korčok, Slovak Minister for Foreign Affairs, about the war in Ukraine, the current geopolitical situation and the Slovak Cultural Institute in Brussels. A recording of the discussion is available here.

Trenčín 2026 has its ambassadors abroad too

Trenčín 2026 has its European ambassadors. These are Slovak men and women, mostly from Trenčín, who live abroad and will be our (not only) communication link with Europe. We will fully launch the European Ambassadors project in the second half of this year.

Miriam Hartiel, the European Ambassador of Trenčín 2026, lives in Brussels. Miriam is a Trenčín resident who travel the world and now is anchored at the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries in Brussels. For the past few years, her work has focused on the sustainable use of ocean resources. Miriam Hartiel says: “My biggest passion is the presentation of Slovakia. I am proud of where I come from and I always like to take the opportunity to present Slovakia.”

European Ambassador of Trenčín 2026 Miriam Hartiel and Terina Slezák Barčáková

Text and photos: Terina Slezák Barčáková