Hviezda is opening

Picture of Trenčín 2026
Trenčín 2026

The doors of the former Hviezda cinema building will reopen for the people of Trenčín on 15 September 2023. After extensive reconstruction, Hviezda will also fulfil its new function as a modern cultural and creative centre.

Thanks to the grant and money from the European Regional Development Fund, Hviezda can continue to function not only as a renewed space for cultural events. In addition, it will assist in the education and growth of future businessmen and women and people working in the cultural and creative industries.

We will talk about the opening of the cultural and creative centre Hviezda with the manager of Hviezda Juraj Benda on our Garage on Saturday 16th September. After Saturday’s Garage program, we invite everyone to continue the musical experience in the newly renovated Star. More information about the September programme in Hviezda can be found on the website of the City of Trenčín.

Photo source: Cultural & Creative Centre Hviezda Facebook