We are looking for YOU for the volunteer position of “Mapping of the First Trenčín Parklet.”

Picture of Trenčín 2026
Trenčín 2026

How many volunteers do we need?

We need 4 volunteers to help us monitor the parklet.

For what period?

Volunteers will be needed from August to October 2024. The activity will take place every Friday afternoon, specifically between 1:00 PM and 5:00 PM, with your attendance required for one full hour per week.

It is not a requirement to work every Friday. We will choose the frequency by mutual agreement.

Where will the activity take place?

The activity will take place on Palackého Street, in front of the M. A. Bazovský Gallery.

What exactly will our volunteers do?

Your main task will be to map the functioning of the intervention on Palackého Street through observation. You will monitor the parklet, which is an object designed to demonstrate the potential use of parking spaces for the public. You will observe whether we have succeeded in attracting people to Palackého Street to spend time there. Who uses the parklet and for what activities? Help us answer these questions and contribute to improving the public space in Trenčín.

What are our requirements?

We are looking for people interested in public space, the city, and its residents.

What benefits will you have?

You will have the opportunity to participate in monitoring the first intervention of the Trenčín 2026 project. You will receive training and research skills in the observation method, and we will provide you with hydration during the monitoring.

What area of volunteering is this?

This is public space, mapping, and expert volunteering.

What is the length and frequency of the collaboration?

The volunteering activity will take place regularly once a week on Fridays for three months.

For which age group is this position suitable?

This position is suitable for all age groups from 15 to 100 years old.

How will the required activity be performed?

The activity will be carried out in person.

If you are interested in the volunteer position, please contact our coordinator Stanislava Mináriková at stanislava.minarikova@trencin2026.eu or apply through our form.

We look forward to having you join us!