No need to travel far for great experiences

pohľad na susedský piknik medzi panelákmi
Picture of Trenčín 2026
Trenčín 2026

Running events, outdoor cinema, BBQs, creating a community garden, and pie picnics—these are just some of the diverse activities that residents from Dlhé Hony, Zlatovce, Sihoť, and Juh organized as part of Živé susedstvá (Living Neighborhoods). 

This spring, the Trenčín 2026 team launched the Živé susedstvá initiative, aiming to support community activities and foster neighborly relationships in the districts beyond the city center. The team began by identifying the types of events people felt were missing in their area, and sought out active residents already organizing or interested in organizing events in their neighborhood. Following a series of initial meetings, enthusiastic citizens of Trenčín organized their dream events across five locations in collaboration with the Trenčín 2026 team this autumn.

pohľad na kapelu Diveetno smerom od chrbta a pred nimi je plná hracia plocha ihriska ľudí, ktorí si užívajú hudbu a podujatie

Playground Hríbik becomes HRYbik 

“The Hríbik playground in Sihoť, which we renamed HRYbik, is not only witness to scraped knees and bumped heads but also birthday celebrations and impromptu community dinners,” explains Katka Czetmayerová from Sihoť. “When we heard about the first Živé susedstvá meeting, we knew this was something for us, even though we didn’t know what to expect.” 

Together, they managed to organize their first SusedFest, which included music, an outdoor children’s cinema, and surprises from neighbors—such as a guided tour of a firetruck. “The Trenčín 2026 team helped not only with the technical side but also with promoting the event. Through posters and flyers, we reached far more neighbors than we usually would. It wasn’t just young families with children who came, but also seniors, who are an integral part of our neighborhood,” adds co-organizer Veronika Repková. 

Golden Hands of Trenčín 

In the courtyard on Švermova Streetresidents began creating their community gardenutilizing the city’s Adoption of Green Spaces program to make use of public greenery owned by the City of Trenčín. “Despite the weather not being on our sidewe connected with neighbors across generationsWe built three raised bedswhich will be available to people in our apartment buildingThe edible shrubs will provide fruit for anyone passing by, so now there’s a reason to stop by and enjoy the beautiful surroundings,” shares organizer Joshua Lajčiak.

detské bežecké preteky a deti zachytené v pohybe

Willingness to participate surprises 

The active members of OZ Veselé Zlatovce revived the former Liberation Run of Zlatovce through their event Zlatovské veselostiengaging all generations as well as local clubs and organizationsParticipants included children from ZŠ Na dolinách, karate athletes from ŠK REAL TEAM, and scoutsThe run had a charitable purposewith proceeds supporting a local girlEmka, and her family.

Braňo Breznický from OZ Veselé Zlatovce expressed satisfaction with the turnout: “We registered 115 runnersfrom small children to 84-year-old Janko FraňoWe were also pleased by the interest of other attendeesthe park in Zlatovce was full until evening.” 

pohľad na susedský piknik medzi panelákmi

Lucia Klučárová, a co-organizer of the pie picnic in Juh, emphasized how the event brought a homely atmosphere to the street: “I was delighted to meet many familiar faces. It was wonderful to see different generations, friends, and families chatting and enjoying the fact that someone organized something like this.” 

Generational connections were also forged in Dlhé Hony, where a BBQ and outdoor cinema were organized by new residents to the area. Their efforts were supported by the local café, Lávka, creating an opportunity for people to get to know each other better and enjoy the market space in a unique way. 

pohľad na susedstvo Dlhých Honov plné ľudí a baviacich sa detí

Happy neighborhoods, better cities 

Happy residents make cities better places to live. As the organizers from HRYbik say: “We all feel better in an environment where we know each other, can spend quality time together, and help each other out.” 

All events received positive feedback, and neighbors expressed a desire to meet up more often. Trenčín 2026 will once again offer support in spring 2025, expanding Živé susedstvá into more areas of Trenčín. If you have an idea or want to organize something in your neighborhood, contact us at

You can also check out more photos from the events on Trenčín 2026’s social media.   


Mirka Gúčiková, Trenčín 2026