The New European Bauhaus ideas are also emerging in Slovakia!

Picture of Trenčín 2026
Trenčín 2026

From November 12, an exhibition at Trenčín’s Miloš Alexander Bazovsky Gallery will present modular architecture objects and ideas of students and professionals reflecting the post-industrial heritage of the Trenčín and Zlín regions.

Former shoe factory Baťa in Partizánske, inspiration for designers and architects

Innovative ideas were created within the interdisciplinary project Digital Modularity organised by the Subdigital studio with the support of Trenčín 2026.

Digital Modularity connects universities and students of the central European region with the topics of New European Bauhaus. During two creative meetings in Partizánske (SK) and Zlín (CZ), both post -industrial heritage cities, students used innovative design approaches, computational methods and experimental technologies to design prototypes of small modular architecture for public space.

Outcomes of these two workshops are to be exhibited in Trenčín’s Gallery until December 19.

Prototypes created by digital design methods are made from innovative recycled and sustainable materials – for example plywood, bioplastics or recycled and recyclable plastic. The project also examines different user-friendly modes of the modular architecture objects.

The exhibition in Trenčín will also be a place for discussing digital design, modularity and sustainability, topics related to the New European Bauhaus ideas.

You can follow Digital Modularity on Instagram.

Project Digital modularity is organized with the support of the Slovak Arts Council.

Photo: Ján Tóth, studio Subdigital