Trenčín 2026 together with organization CATCH 5 is inviting you to “Art in public space Conference”

Picture of Trenčín 2026
Trenčín 2026

Join us ONLINE in the first year of the art-historical online conference: CATCH V. – „What does art in public space mean to you?“ which will take place from 16 – 18 June 2021.

In three days you will experience Slovak, Czech but also European Day which we prepared together with our partnership with Kaunas and Kaunas bienalé.

1st DAY / WEDNESDAY 16. 6. 2021


Alexander Topilin from CATCH 5 will open the conference together with Olja Triaška Stefanović. They will discuss with Linda Blahová, Nina Šošková and Sabína Jankovičová.

2nd DAY / THURSDAY 17. 6. 2021


The conference will be opened by Klára Bruhová. Jakub Ivánek, Veronika Vicherková, Lucie Štulová Vobořilová and Michaela Matysová will discuss under the leadership of Olja Triaška Štefanović.

3rd DAY / FRIDAY 18. 6. 2021


Friday will be opened by Neringa Kulik from Kaunas Biennial. We are really looking forward the discussion and different points of view from Portugal, UK, Croatia, Latvia and Ukraine. Claudia Melo curator from Ideias Emergentes, Georgie Scott curator from Folkestone Fringe, Karmen Krasic Kozul curator from LAB 852, Sandra Lapkovska curator from New Theatre Institute of Latvia and Sofiia Korotkevych event manager from Jam Factory Art Centre will talk about their persepction of art in public space. The discussion will be moderated by Indrė Aleksandravičiūtė.

Conference is a space for the exchange of experiences and knowledge, the presentation of artistic creation in public space or research activities in the field of art in public space. It reflects on a large number of projects, publications and mapping organisations that have emerged in the field in recent years.

More about event –