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Trenčín will dance with the TELESO project!

Picture of Trenčín 2026
Trenčín 2026

As part of the cooperation with young dancers from Trenčín and the region, we invite you to a TELESO dance performance. We will meet together on July 18, 2021 at 19:00 on Mierovo námestie in Trenčín. The dance performance is absorbed by a large number of dancers which will, so to speak, “dance” through the city.

About the project:

The Teleso project is a dance performance set in the public space of the city of Trenčín, which dances through the city center. The body represents a moving organelle, consisting of local dancers who, through choreography and improvisational concepts, follow a predetermined route. The body expands, encircles the city’s monuments and important places, which it draws attention to with its dance, thus connecting dance art with architecture.

Date: 18.7.2021

Time: 19:00

Place: Mierové námestie Trenčín

Artistic team:

Directed by: Marta Blašková, Lucia Melcerová

Choreography: Marta Blašková

Assistent of choreography: Lucia Melcerová

Music: Emmita (Emma Stašáková)


Tamara Antalová
Patrícia Fongusová
Miroslava Haklová
Xénia Halasová
Michaela Koštialová
Sára Nitsch
Emma Stašáková
Sarah Straková
Jakub Šiko

Partners: Mesto Trenčín, Trenčín 2026, Coffee Sheep, Dobroš, Humana

The event is organized by Marta Blašková, Lucia Melcerová in cooperation with the city of Trenčín / Trenčín 2026.

The event was publicly supported by th Fond na podporu umenia.