Volunteer opportunities at Garáž 2024

Picture of Trenčín 2026
Trenčín 2026


August 17, 2024, August 24, 2024, and August 31, 2024


Location: Cultural and Creative Center Hviezda, Trenčín

The 4th edition of Garáž will bring music to KKC Hviezda, enlivening three Saturdays in August. Young and talented bands will attract many visitors, and we could use every helping hand. If you are interested to become part of our volunteer program, apply via the application form.

What volunteer positions do we need?

  1. Event Monitoring

  • Number of Volunteers: 5

  • Time: 14:00 – 23:00

  • Volunteer Activity Description: Help with event monitoring. You will ask visitors a few questions using a questionnaire, and the respondents will fill in their answers directly on a tablet, or you will record their answers on the tablet.

  • Requirements: Proactive approach, communication skills, openness, and precision

  • Volunteering Area: Research activity in arts and culture (collecting questionnaires)

2. Wristband Distribution at the Entrance

  • Number of Volunteers: 3

  • Time: 14:00 – 23:00

  • Volunteer Activity Description: Help with wristbanding people. You will be at the entrance and place a wristband on each participant’s wrist.

  • Requirements: Proactive approach, communication skills, precision

  • Volunteering Area: Manual activity (wristbanding at the entrance/distributing wristbands)

3. Coordination of Waste Separation

  • Number of Volunteers: 3

  • Time: 14:00 – 00:00

  • Volunteer Activity Description: Coordinate waste separation at the separation center, communicate with people on how to separate waste correctly.

  • Requirements: Interest in environmental issues, recycling, and our planet

  • Volunteering Area: Environment, art, culture, manual assistance

4. Animator for Accompanying Activities

  • Number of Volunteers: 4

  • Time: 14:00 – 20:00

  • Volunteer Activity Description: Assist artists and visitors in carrying out accompanying activities at the Garáž event.

  • Requirements: Fondness for children, art, and being communicative

  • Volunteering Area: Environment, art, culture, manual assistance

What you will gain from volunteering at Garáž:

  1. New friendships and contacts

  2. Opportunity to experience backstage and interact with bands

  3. Development of skills and competencies

  4. Experiences for your resume

  5. A sense of fulfillment and purpose

  6. Opportunity to help others, yourself, the organization, the community, and society

  7. Confidence and a feeling of being needed and part of something big

What we will provide:

  • Hydration

  • Refreshments

  • Possibility of travel reimbursement

  • Trenčín2026 identification

  • Work tools

  • Training

  • Trenčín2026 promotional items

If you enjoy collecting experiences, meeting interesting people, and trying new things, you can also help us as a volunteer in other projects.

Learn more about our volunteer program on our website.