We are represented at the Biennial by a statue from Trenčín

Picture of Trenčín 2026
Trenčín 2026

As part of the accompanying events of this year’s Biennial of Architecture in Venice, in cooperation with the association Hlava 5 (Catch 5), we managed to move one of the sculptures from Trenčín to the Venetian garden. Statue called Priadza is exhibited in European Cultural Center in Giardini Marinaressa. Both the goal of Hlava 5 (Catch 5) and this activity is to point out art in public space and find a way to present and protect it. After the end of the biennial, we plan to install the statue in the public space of Trenčín. Two members of the association, as well as our team, have personally visited Venice and will share their impressions with you.

Na úvod niečo málo o Bienále:

The 17th International Architecture Exhibition runs from 22 May to 21 November 2021, curated by architect and scholar Hashim Sarkis. 61 National Participations will bring to life the historic Pavilions in the Giardini, at the Arsenale and in the historic city centre of Venice, with 3 countries taking part in the Biennale Architettura for the first time: Grenada, Iraq, Republic of Uzbekistan. Unfortunately Slovakia is not exhibiting.

Tohtoročná téma je: HOW WILL WE LIVE TOGETHER? reflektujúc témy od pandémie až po udržateľnosť.

The work is a metal sculpture by sculptor Jozef Fizel, its name is Yarn. Until recently, it was located in front of the Merina complex, where selected buildings are currently being rehabilitated. Before the construction work, we agreed with the owner of the area to dismantle and store the statue.


Terina z Bienale vyberá:

1.Danish pavilion:

My favourite from all the pavilion is a water oasis. Architecture studio Lundgaard & Tranberg Architects and curator Marianne Krogh created the installation, titled Con-nect-ed-ness, using a cyclic rainwater system. “While exploring the various spaces of the exhibition, visitors can become part of the cyclic system by drinking a cup of tea brewed with leaves from the herbal plants that absorb water from the cyclic system.” Venue: Giardini

2.Slovak at Arsenale:

Tomáš Libertíny from Slovakia participates in this year’s venice architecture biennale with ‘beehive architecture’, an exhibition of sculptural works made by bees. artworks on view include ‘eternity’, a beeswax version of the nefertiti bust created in collaboration with 60.000 honeybees , as well as ‘the gate’ and ‘dome of constant change’, two architectural forms that are also designed by bees. the event calls for global cooperation and solidarity to counter the threats posed by the COVID-19 pandemic to food security and agricultural livelihoods alongside prioritizing environmental regeneration and pollinator protection. Venue: Arsenale

3.Scandinavian Pavilion:

Curated by the National museum of Norway, the exhibition is titled ‘what we share. a model for co-housing’. The exhibit presents a framework for designing communities based on participation and sharing, and builds on the nordic co-housing model, which combines owner-occupancy and individual living units with shared facilities and communal participation. Visitors are able to walk through and explore a cross-section of a prototype co-housing project that includes communal and semi-private areas brought to life through scenographies made by film director Paul Jackman and scenographer Nina Bjerch-Andresen. The nordic pavilion has been transformed into a full-scale section of a solid wood co-housing project. Designed by helen & hard, the timber structure engages directly with the architecture of the pavilion.

Venue: Giardini

Alex z Bienale vyberá:

1. Saudi Arabia – Wetlands:

The National Pavilion of the United Arab Emirates, curated by Wael Al Awara and Kenichi Teramota, in collaboration with the research departments of New York University Abu Dhabi´s Amber Lab, the American University of Sharjah´s Department of Biology, Chemistry and Environmental Sciences and the University of Tokyo Obuchi Lab and Sato Lab have developed a method of forming a structure using salt water and cement. In the pavilion, a prototype of an architectural space was created from building elements, which contain cement and crystallized salt, which was 7 x 5 meters large and 2.7 meters high. Approximately 3,000 individual elements were produced for its construction. This local use of salt water offers alternative, sustainable and site-specific construction methods that can be the subject of further research and experimentation. You can find this pavilion in Arsenale, or you can visit it using virtual reality at: https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=9KDQWGfvQ4M.

2. Chile Pavilion:

On the southern outskirts of Santiago is the suburb called José María Caro. The history and present of this area, which was built during the 1950s and 1960s as a center for the integration of various social groups, is presented through the diverse testimonies of citizens and community members. These stories, which have been documented by local historians and students, are then processed into 500 paintings, which are arranged in a pavilion of stories in the pavilion, which give us an insight into the daily life of this community in a universal and simple language.

3. Ego to Eco:

The Danish architectural studio EFFEKT planted 1,200 seedlings of 4 different types of pine trees around seven architectural models. The seedlings are placed on a specially adapted platform, which uses an irrigation system directly controlled from Copenhagen. During the Biennale of Architecture, which lasts from May to November, the seedlings should grow to the required size and should be gently moved to a new location – the city forest park in Denmark. It is estimated that these trees will be able to absorb 1000 tonnes of CO2 over the next 50 years. The Ego to Eco project can be found in Arsenale.