We have successfully concluded the semester and look forward to the new one

Picture of Trenčín 2026
Trenčín 2026

We are pleased to announce that we have successfully completed the current semester of our Runway Culture Professionals course! This semester was full of inspiration, mutual learning, and invaluable experiences that moved us all forward.

At the final presentation, we heard much praise for the expertise and broad knowledge of our lecturers. Our lecturers were truly world-class. Even though many of them work under different conditions, they were able to adapt their experiences to our reality and the needs of the course participants.

One of the greatest benefits of our course is the networking opportunity. In addition to sharing professional experiences, personal friendships have also formed. Our community continues to grow and strengthen, which is very important to us.

Foto: dvaja

We are glad that we have once again created a group where participants could learn from each other and motivate one another. The group was a great mix of different levels of experience and areas of culture, as well as geographical locations and working conditions.

Registration Dates and English Course Available

And what’s the best part? This fall, we’re opening a new semester for cultural professionals! Registration will be open from August 12 to September 1 on our website, with the first session happening at the end of September. We look forward to new faces, new stories, and more inspiring moments.

Additionally, we will repeat the Runway English course, which prepares people from Trenčín for communication with international audiences and visitors. Registration opens on August 19. The course starts in October and runs throughout the school year.

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