Why do we need Manual of public spaces? 

Picture of Trenčín 2026
Trenčín 2026

The Manual of public spaces aims to guide the creation of more beautiful and enjoyable squares, streets, and parks. We invite you to the presentation of this ongoing document on Saturday, September 28, at the Okruhový dom armády.

Have you ever wondered why some areas lack benches, how trash bins are designed, or why one sidewalk has paving stones while another has asphalt? The Manual of public spaces is a strategic document that will help the city plan improvements in public spaces, ensuring they better reflect the needs of the people in Trenčín.

The manual will determine how elements like bike racks, trash bins, and lighting should look and where they should be placed in different types of public spaces (streets, squares, parks, and public transport stops). It will also specify the appearance of different surface types to create a cleaner and more unified impression throughout the city’s streets.

Already in use in Prague, Bratislava, and Prešov

After completion, Trenčín will join many cities that use public space manuals. Prague has had this document for 10 years, Prešov has used its manual since 2018, and Bratislava has been gradually developing and expanding its own for the past five years.

Why not adopt an existing manual? Each city has unique characteristics—different sizes and specific challenges. While the basic principles are similar, it’s natural that Trenčín needs to address different issues than cities like Prague or Bratislava.

Preview the manual in progress

On Saturday, September 28 at 6:00 PM, we invite you to the Okruhový dom armády for a presentation of the draft Manual of public spaces. This is an opportunity to ask questions or provide feedback during the creation process. The manual is being prepared by the Between architecture studio, and it will be presented by Tomáš Hanáček, architect, urban planner, university lecturer, and co-founder of the Between studio. We look forward to seeing you there!

Michal Mazánik, Trenčín 2026